Incidence and Distribution of Begomoviruses (BGMV) infecting Ornamental plants in Multan Region, Pakistan
begomoviruses, PCR, Ornamental Plants, Infection, Disease IncidenceAbstract
Begomovirus is the largest and important genus in virus taxonomy. It has more than 400 widespread species causing diseases in different plant families. Besides cash crops, begomoviruses also infect ornamental plants which lead to significant losses and lower market value. The accurate and precise knowledge of incidence and distribution of the plant viruses is mandatory for the management of plant viruses. The research study was aimed to assess the distribution and to estimate the disease incidence of begomoviruses infecting ornamental plants in Multan region which include district Multan, Lodhran, Khanewal and Vehri. Overall, 174 leaf samples of ornamental plants from different sites in Multan region were collected. Total genomic DNA from ornamental plants were extracted with CTAB method and subjected to PCR for the amplification of partial coat proteins gene using universal primers. Total incidence data of begomoviruses infecting ornamental plants in Multan region was calculated as 54% while district wise disease incidence percentage was recorded as 58.06% in district Multan, 55.88% in Vehari, 55.26% in Lodhran and 50% in Khanewal. High disease incidence was recorded in Euphorbia tithymalioides as 77.7%, followed by Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 71.4%, Euphorbia milli 70.5%, Tabernaemontana divaricate 66.6%, Tecoma stans 54.5%, Jasminum sambac 37.5% and Radermachera sinica 20% while Quisqualis indica, Irresine herbstii, Cordia dichotoma, Ficus benjamina, Bougainvillea and Hamelia patens were found uninfected. Uneven distribution of begomoviruses was observed with maximum distribution 38.2% in district Multan and minimum 19.1% in Vehari. The study gave a vivid picture of ornamental plants harboring begomoviruses and that could lead to a vital part of an integrated management of these viruses.