Assessment of Water Quality Degradation Due to Waste Dumping and its Impacts on Ichthyo-Diversity of River Swat
Water Deterioration, Water Quality Assessment, Ichthyo diversity of River Swat, Assessment of River Swat QualityAbstract
To trace the relative change in water quality parameters of River Swat due to unplanned dumping of municipal wastes and pollutants addition as a result of various unlawful anthropogenic activities, a preliminary study was designed. Water sampling was carried out from various sites along the length of River Swat i.e. Bahrain, Mingora and Barikot from November 2017 to October 2018. Laboratory analysis of various parameters was carried out and compared with standard parameters as set by USPHS and WHO. The parameters studied at different marked sites were pH (5.69-8.90). The pH did not vary significantly among the collection points of the study area (P < 0.05). The total Dissolved Solids observed were (11.67-335 mg/l) and a significant increase in TDS and conductivity has been observed (P<0.05) as we move downstream. The dissolved Oxygen recorded was (9.3- 5.7) decreasing downstream (P>0.05), total Hardness as CaCO3 recorded was (2.05-163.11 mg/l), and showed a gradual increase downstream (33.7 – 172.8), the minimum value (2.05 mg/l) was observed at BH-UP while the maximum value of 222.63 mg/l was observed for BR-MP. The increase in hardness has been observed to be significant (P<0.05) in relation to BR-UP, the least polluted site of the study area. The increase in alkalinity among various collection points was found significant (P<0.05) as we move downstream and the total Alkalinity as CaCO3 were (17.19-287.4 mg/l), Sodium (1.50-121.40 mg/l). The Conductivity recorded was (28-533.3 µS/cm) and a significant increase in TDS and conductivity has been observed (P<0.05) as we move downstream. An increase in inorganic substances like Calcium (22.3 – 112.1 mg/l), Sulphates (7.35-22.3), Potassium (1.59 – 6.59), Magnesium (11.6- 47.8), Chlorides (7.85-25.1) sodium (6.04 – 22.18) and TSS (5.56 – 7.48) has been observed with the addition of effluents and solid waste to the water of the river. This increase was maximum at MN-MP and downstream. This increase has been observed to be significant (P<0.05) except for sodium as sampling proceeds downstream. Among all the parameters recorded, Calcium as CaCO3, Total alkalinity, Potassium and Magnesium hardness showed elevation than the normal permissible limits. All these elevated parameters add hardness to the water. The breeding ground of fishes are also been threatened by the uncontrolled emission of solid industrial and municipal excreta into water.